Biographical information
Full Name:
Colerige Benjamin Turner
- Cole (by everyone except non-family members)
- Dad or Daddy (by her children)
- Uncle Cole (by her nieces and nephews)
- Mr. Turner (by non-family members)
January 5, 1885
- 2002; his penthouse (as the Source of All Evil)
- 2003; Halliwell Manor (in an alternate reality)
- Vanquished by the Charmed Ones
- Vanquished by Phoebe Halliwell
January 2007 (by the Elders)
Alive (resurrected)
- Married to Peyton Campbell (m. 2007 - currently)
- Divorced from Phoebe Halliwell (m. 2002 - div. 2002)
The Source of All Evil (formerly)
Physical description
- Half-Demon (originally; currently)
- Spirit/Ghost (formerly)
- Mortal (formerly)
- Demon (formerly)
- Avatar (formerly)
Hair color:
Dark Brown
Eye color:
- Green
- Black (as the source; formerly)
Family information
- Julian Turner † (Long-lost son; with Phoebe)
- Alexander James "Alex" Howard (son of Peyton)
- Primrose Elizabeth "Prim" Turner (Daughter; of Peyton)
- Patrick Victor Benjamin Turner (son of Peyton)
- Persephone Anastasia Turner (Daughter; of Peyton)
Damien Klein † (Youngest Maternal Half-Brother)
- Elizabeth Turner (Mother; Former Demon but becoming Whitelighter)
- Benjamin Turner † (Father; Human)
- Prue Halliwell †
- Piper Halliwell
- Phoebe Halliwell
- Paige Matthews
- Leo Wyatt
- Henry Mitchell
- Coop Halliwell
- Zile † (removed)
- Wyatt Matthew Halliwell
- Christopher Perry "Chris" Halliwell
- Melinda Prudence "Mel" Halliwell
- Prudence Joanna "PJ" Halliwell
- Parker Anne Halliwell
- Penelope Paige "Penny" Halliwell II
- Philippa Patricia Halliwell
- Tamora "Tam" Michell
- Katherine Grace "Kat" Mitchell
- Henry "Junior" Mitchell, Jr.
- Lilith (maternal)
- Asmodeus (maternal)
- Unknown Paternal Grandparents
- Halliwell Family
- Leo Wyatt
- Peyton Campbell (second wife; romantic/sexual relationship)
- Phoebe Halliwell (first ex-wife; former romantic/sexual relationship)
- Damien Klein
- Stephanie
- Evil
- The Source of All Evil
Magical information
Basic powers:
- Spell Casting
- Potion Brewing
- Scrying
- Mediumship
Active powers:
- Molecular Deceleration
- Telekinesis
- Pyrokinesis
- Electrokinesis
- Resurrection
- Shimmering
Inactive powers:
- Sensing
- High Resistance
Magical items:
- Turner's Book of Shadows (family)
- Grimoire (briefly)
- Being EVIL
- Losing a loved one
- Losing child
- Becoming a Belthazor again
- Hurting Peyton
A Normal life
- CEO of Turner's Services (currently)
- Protector of the innocents (currently)
- Demonic Soldier of Fortune (formerly)
- Former Member of The Brotherhood of The Thorn
- Killing innocents (formerly)
- Former Agent of The Triad (formerly/removed)
- The Source's Vessel (formerly)
- Attorney (formerly/quit)
- Turner Mansion (currently)
- Halliwell Manor (briefly)
- Cole Turner's Apartment (formerly)
- Evil (formerly)
- Good
Portrayed by:
- Julian McMahon
- Unknown Actor (Young Cole Turner)
- 3 - 5, 7 (TV)
- 9 - 15 (Novel)
First seen:
9x01 The Ties That Bind
Last seen:
14x22 There's No Place Like Home
"You give me another chance to fall in love again and I am grateful for you forever!"
— Cole to Peyton.
Cole Turner was born on January 19th, 1885 to Benjamin Turner (mortal) and Elizabeth Turner (demon). He is the human alter ego to the now vanquished demon Belthazor and the first ex-husband to Phoebe Halliwell. He had a son named, Lucifer while being married to Phoebe, though the child died before being born, being assimilated with the Source and kidnapped by the Seer. His second marriage was to is two to itch named, Peyton Campbell who he meets for the first time in New York, where they started dating, and later got engaged quickly but soon Peyton discovered that she is expecting a son named, Alexander from Cole, and Peyton never told Cole that she is expecting a baby from him but The Triad discovered the truth about his ex-fiancée, who is a witch, and charmed one has been pregnant of him. The triad told Cole about Peyton's pregnancy and Cole was shocked but The Triad told him that the child is very powerful and also they told to Cole that if he doesn't leave her behind when they make that Peyton dies in childbirth and Cole told them, he breaks up with her today. Later Cole told Peyton that he had broken up with her and Peyton was heartbroken about hearing that, she was going to tell him that she is pregnant with him but instead that she never thought that Cole wants to leave her on the same evening Peyton cancels his engagement and after the two went on his way.
Powers and Abilities
Active Powers:
- Telekinesis - The ability to move objects and beings with one's mind.
- Deviation: The ability to use one's own magical powers to redirect the magical attacks or projectiles of other beings back on the path of emanation.
- Super Strength: The ability to have and exert a level of physical strength much greater than that of a normal person. Beings with this ability are stronger, tougher, and more physically durable than normal humans.
- Crushing: the magical ability to create force around an object or power, squashing and neutralizing it as a result.
- Electrokinesis - The ability to generate and manipulate electricity and lightning. Cole obtained this ability shortly after arriving in the wasteland and used it to slay the beast.
- Advanced Electrokinesis: the ability to shoot extremely powerful beams of concentrated electricity. This is an advanced form of Electrokinesis.
- Resurrection - The ability to bring oneself or others back from the dead. Cole was brought back from death after the Elders brings him back and Cole gained that power.
- Molecular Deceleration - the ability to slow down the molecules of an individual or object, making it appear as if time slows down, putting the target into slow motion.
- Shimmering: The ability to teleport through a "shimmer", a demonic form of teleportation.
Other Powers:
- High Resistance: The ability to be highly resistant to physical and magical harm and survive otherwise lethal attacks.
- Sensing: The ability to determine the location and status of other beings by concentrating on them.
- Mediumship: The ability to ability to perceive and communicate with spirits.
- Being evil: Cole's greatest fear was becoming evil which was in show the season 5 episode "Sympathy for the Demon".
- Losing a child: When Cole discovers Phoebe is pregnant with his child, he is afraid that she is going to lose it which happened after Cole's first death.
- Redemption: Cole's desire was to be saved by evil. It was later released as he overcame this because of Peyton who saved him and taught him how to be good again.
Former Weaknesses:
- Human side: Elizabeth taught Cole to despise his human side for its "weaknesses."
- Love: It was Cole's weakness and she fell in love with Phoebe, the youngest charmed one but before was another woman with whom he was deeply in love once and her name was Peyton Campbell (Phoebe's younger maternal half-sister). The Triad finds out about Peyton and erased Cole's memory about her.
Alternate Realities
Cole's Alternate reality
After Cole was becoming an avatar, he creates a reality where Paige never meets her sisters, the power of three was never born after Prue's death and Paige was killed also by Shax.
Damien's Alternate Reality
Damien was becoming an avatar and wanted to win Peyton back. He created a reality where he and Peyton were married has never met her sisters or his brother, Cole.
Dark Future 2030
Lucifer created a reality where warren lines are dead except most are dead. Peyton was killed by her own sister and Cole was left to mourn her.
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